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Want to visit some great Sonic the Hedgehog sites?
Here is a great compilation of links for you to try. This is kept FRESH so there are no lame dead sites, or places that have switched their content. This brings you relevant and cool Sonic content. Each site is catagorized and described for your convenience. There is also a Facebook Group for collectors.

Want your site here? Email to AzureBlaze @

Just write in and pass along a link, with why your content is great and Sonic related. Have a button or banner? All the better!

Sonic Team- They're always at the top of the list. Creators of Sonic, none of this would be here without them. Their Japanese page is always better than the English one. Don't they understand Everyone can like Sonic? Sega of America also has a Sonic page. They're all about the games though. Flashy interface to keep everything fresh looking. Sometimes they have polls, or recommend goods that you can buy. (Their dates arn't always accurate though... Sometimes the Hot Topic side bar banner things do not load, if you still need to get to Hot Topic for Sonic stuff, just use this link.
This graphic type blog has rare images, animated gifs, art & more that SonicGear doesn't cover. Discover unusual art, secret easter egg cameos, hacked art & cool stuff!
This is a sales website with youtube reviews, pre-orders, and older figures (like Jazwares) that aren't made any more. They currently feature buy 1 get 1 10% off (no limit), but they are convenient to use because it's lots of out of print Sonic merchandise all in one place to browse & shop. They have a dedicated Sonic Section at
A wiki for everything Sonic, also called Sonic News Network
Has game info, media, community & tons of articles
Sega Club Germany Banner Well updated, content-rich Sonic fan site. With news, data, articles, fan works, history and much more. Don't miss this one!
Love the classics? This is the place for Genisis reviews and info! It has Sonic, and much more.
A website dedicated to keeping you updated with news and discussions exclusively to the Platforming videogame genre.
This (offsite) link will show you to a page where you can print, fold, & make your own Chao stuff. It's part of SegaClub, and has been released to the fans. SegaClub Chao Paper Crafts While it's called a 'shop' it technically is not because the page doesn't actually sell anything. It lists items and links to other sites that sell them. It's more of a gallery, but it is interesting to see what Sega has chosen to display. Link discovered by Tails44 This is a Facebook group. You'll need Facebook to view or join it. Basically, the site is for those who collect Sonic merchandise to share photos of their collectables, trade, sell, and discover new items. It's a social group for Sonic Collectors.
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