Halloween Sonic Items Title
SonicGear Index * Halloween 1 *
Sonic The Hedgehog USA Halloween Holiday Items
Halloween is the best time to dress up as your favorite characters. There's trick or treating (free candy is always good) and parties too. The USA has had a rather mixed-bag selection of Halloween themed Sonic stuff over the years. Classic costumes tended to be cheap & poorly done (but are still collectible) while modern costumes help fill the demand (not everyone can sew!) they're not 100% free of problems yet. Here, see everything Sonic specifically labeled for Halloween, both old and new. If something's still available, there should be buying links or where to get it in the description. Items on this page go from old to newest at the bottom. Also use the Accessories Pages for items.
Pop Mask Target Scary Sonic Let's start things off with a real scare...
This frightful mask at Target! Target produces this ad/paper whatever letting people know that they will have the Funko Pop Sonic head mask as part of their Halloween selections in fall 2023.
And...the whole...Pop look...well it's no less scary when it is extra big size like this thing and being worn around.
It sure didn't get any less wierd being made as a mask, but here we are. How do you see out of this thing? Is it fully 3D or just a front? At least the proportion to a regular person is super off and 'popish' to go along with their strangeness.
Modern Eggman Fan Power Costume Fan powered fun!
It's the Modern Eggman Inflatable Fan Powered costume! With a wind-powered wearable, you can have the wacky proportions of Eggman for Halloween. A small fan inside the costume makes it puffy and easy to wear while circulating fresh air through it. It's basically like one of those popular yard decorations but you can wear it.
And, Eggman is the perfect candidate for such an item because of the stick legs and rolly-polly top plus the wacky mustache. The face fabric or glasses-area fabric is likely transparent-ish enough that you can see out while you wear it. This would be fun to accessorize with a plush badnick or something too. This is a Halloween 2023 item, and should be at Spirit Halloween stores. Price will be added once it gets found. This is a factory photo.
Fall Guys Sonic Wind Power Costume Fan fun, now with Fall Guys!
The zany bean shaped toppling characters from the Fall Guys game were popular, and so you could dress them up as famous characters. Natrually, this led to a silly Sonic suit for your fall guy to wear. But, Spirit Halloween took it seriously, and has created this wind powered bean shaped fall guy Halloween costume.
And really, it looks great because it gives the person the proportions of the game character and is instantly recognizable as a fall-guy and will look amusing when worn around (tiny legs) The spikes are also really surprisingly well done? A fun idea for a costume in fall 2024.
Spirit Halloween Adult Character Jumpsuits Sonic is spreading this Halloween, as now adults get costume jumpsuits at Spirit Halloween. But, like many costume things, these are really hit or miss a lot, and...there's some missing going on here, even though the adult thing is a step in the right direction.
The 2 costumes that stand out are Eggman for actually being complete and Eggman-like more than others because it has the belly ring thing, a full mask for his face, the pants work like his does, and it also has gloves. It's easily the best of the bunch.
The worst one though is Amy, who gets the short end of the lolly pop stick here with...zero head gear? It's like 'red dress girl human'. The ears headband and pink wig isn't enough for 'hedgehog' at all. At least she has gloves. The shoes aren't her boots, and it isn't a jump suit because there's no pants (legs aren't pink) and no fun character hood. Also the dress collar is wrong.
Sonic, Tails & Shadow all work on the same build, with character face hood that sits on top of the wearer's face, a tail, and footie shoes that goe over the wearers' feet. The hoods have tiny kind of odd faces on them, and paltry spikes...Tails' tails are way too small for the character, but the shoes are an effort. Why don't these have gloves? Why does the Tails appear to have a pocket in him?? So, as usual hit or miss here, but at least we're seeing it?
The Amy won't sell well and they will blame that "girls hate Halloween, girls hate Sonic characters" and not that the costume was objectively the worst one out of the bunch with the most errors and lowest effort that doesn't make you look like a recognizable character without you having to buy so many extra things and alter it. No one wants to go as 'red dress girl'.
Kids Sizes Stuffed Plush Gloves Shoes Similar items have appeared before, but they're always popular so...
2024 Spirit Halloween brings out kids sizes for the stuffed plush Sonic character gloves and shoes. Using these to help complete a costume is a great idea, because they're big/more like the character (see jump suits above that don't include gloves, etc) and the shoes could probably be used as house slippers like those slippers that are constantly selling out online. Notice that the buckle is real plastic too, and the soles are textured. They're probably better for indoors or parties, rather than running through the streats for trick or treat though, to preserve them.
These will be sold at the pop up Spirit Halloween stores in Sept/Oct. 2024