Europe General Sonic Items
Sometimes items are sold in a general area, rather than in just one or 2 countries. If there's a Sonic item that was meant for all over / most countries of Europe, it should show up here. The countries it was in should try to be listed with the item.
Sonic Gear Main * Europe General * Europe General 1 *
Sonic Origins Bonus Coaster Europe This isn't a's actually a coaster.
This rubbery black drink coaster was a bonus item when you pre ordered Sonic Origins in Europe. It's unconfirmed exactly which countries/stores had this as a thing (so, info will be added if someone writes in)
The coaster is made to look like a vinyl record, with ridgy black surface and big 'sticker' for the center with the neoclassic cast of the game doing poses around the logo. (Eggman and Metal Sonic are included here) This photo is a factory sample, showing the game's box art as well.