Japan Home Decor Title Card
There are so many great Home Decor items from Japan. It is so unfortunate that they are so rare. With many fans having a "Sonic Room" a lot of these items would really help give it a totally Sonic look. This page will contain both 1990s classic items, and SA style modern items too. New old things keep being discovered!
Sonic Gear Main * Japan Decor 1 * Japan Decor 2 * Japan Decor 3 * Japan Decor 4 * Japan Decor 6 *
1998 Calender
Here's a closer look at the 1998 wall calendar for Sonic.
It's called "Sega Calendar 1998", but really, it seems to just have Sonic in there. Each page appears to have 2 months worth of dates on it. The art has a 'cg-like' style to it, all with no background on bright white paper. The look is bright & airy, with an occaisional 'splashed in' detail, like a tropical leaf, a swirl of sand, row of rings or even water/sunset. The top-down view one looks like Sonic running on snow with a hazy winter shadow to the side. The very clean and arty design makes this a fashionable calendar...even if it's out of date, it's still nice art to decorate with. Photos by @JapanAnimePosters on Instagram
Tall Square Tin Sonic Box Here is a tall, square, 'tin type' Sonic themed box. It's probably not actual tin, but rather a sort of satiny finish aluminum of some kind. The lid has the classic Sonic face embossed into it. The Sega copyright is underneath. The box is basically square, but rather tall instead of the usual low/flatter type.
But, what is the box for? Was there something originally inside, or is this just a Sonic themed container for your home or desk accessory use? discovered by @JapanAnimePosters on Instagram
Two Sided Big Sonic Towel Is this a towel, or is it a sleeping bag?
It's difficult to tell, and the photo is very old. This is from the 90s, as you can tell by the 'segasonic' there on the front. It uses an unusual art of him too, look how he's leaning, pointing, and has one arm crossed over onto the pointing arm. That's super unusual...was this art even used on anything else at all? The black half/side of the item has "Sonic the Hedgehog" written in an odd way, where the word is broken up onto 3 lines, & then set in columns. It's a pretty big piece, as you can see by the texture of the carpet/bed sheet it's been spread on. Write in if you know what this is.
A Re-Purposed Rug!
In this, a carpet becomes a rug! This cool decor item is a real piece of history that you can own. A Segaworld in Japan once had this pattern you see here as the carpet. A wall-to-wall covering that, in arcades & casinos, is traditionally quite a busy design to keep you looking at the games instead of the floor. However, such items don't last forever, even if they're industrially designed....
like this one was. When that happens, they're usually stripped out by a company/rolled up and taken away to the recycler or the dump, then replaced with something else. However, a better way to recycle is seen right here! Take the good portions of the carpet, cut & trim them, and create way cool rugs! With the amount of square-footage that the original had, you could get very many 'room type' little rugs out of it just like this. So, it was wise to not throw it away.
This particular pattern has some 'casino night zone' type patterns of dots, Sega logos, and the same Sonic classic stock art repeated all over in a way that makes it contrasty (Sonic is bright with whites, yellow dots are around, and a dark background with random red blobs) The re-finisher has added fringe & sewn the borders to prevent fraying.
This one is no longer in Japan, and was bought outside of Japan as well. It is likely there are quite a few of these, but still far less than if it had been commercially produced. So, a rare item.
It's a piece of history! Owning something from a place that no longer exists (ex. a closed Segaworld) or of something that was somewhere famous, but got replaced (ex. classic Sonic) is extra special. Photo & owned by Josh Catalano
Team Sonic Racing Mini Glasses Here are 2 small glasses from the Team Sonic Racing bonus game pack. (Game pack seen on Japan Electronics here on Gear) These glasses are likely to be 'shot glass sized' but they are called 'mini glasses'. They both have the game's logo embedded in the bottom thick part, one is red, the other is blue. The edge is made to look like a car speedometer. They also have frosted glass details on each side. One is Sonic in the Speed Star car, with a 'trail' behind it as it drives toward the viewer. This side circle logo has the Speed Star in it and the word "Sonic Speed" at the bottom.
TSR Glasses Graphics The other has Shadow in his car & that circle graphic has "Dark Speed" written in it. So each one has different graphics throughout--it's not just 2 things in 2 colors. Shot glass collecting is a popular thing to do, even when they are never used to do shots. With 2 designs per glass, and colorful bottom logos, these glasses really have a good and thoughtful all-over design. They're a cool collectible...and likely to be uncommon if the bonus pack is the only place they can come from. Photo & owned by Hedgy
The graphics above show the designs as they are planned / not on the glasses. The etch is by it's very nature monocrhome (etch and not etch areas) and the 2 glass bottoms with their colors. The graphics are nice to see because all types of glass items, by their nature are difficult to photograph.
Cloth Bolt SegaSonic Pattern What is this material?
It is actually a bolt of cloth. It's just cloth, like you would find in a fabric store...but it's "Segasonic" so it's extra cool. This was likely made to be used
for fun home craft projects. You could make pillows, curtains, do quilting, or even a dust-ruffle for the bed. It is mostlly black, but with bright aqua line art of Sonic in various classic poses, including uncommon ones like 'looking out' and 'sneezing Sonic'. These are scattered with star bumpers, face logos, 'segasonic' title cards & circles/shapes. Also around the cloth are large 'medallion' type designs that are full color. You get Sonic in the winged ring, and finger-waving Sonic over a title card.
When cutting the fabric to use, you'd isolate one of these designs to feature it in the middle of something (most likely) like if you were doing a pillow or a cloth carry-bag. The background areas seem busy, but they're for smaller projects/to make sure you get plenty of Sonic on your item. This unused portion of fabric is interesting to see & likely to also be rather uncommon.
Door Bel Dangler Sonic Door Bell Dangler Tails
Here are some literal Door Bells!
These are a type of dangler that takes 'door bell' literally by allowing you to have a tiny bell for your door. Each one has a 'chibi style' little-big-heads 3D figure of a character, and the same small silver metal bell. The bell hangs from the characters' feet, and the clapper has a full color 2 sided flat paper tag/card with a different pircture on each side. The character & bell are suspended on a thin, flexible metal wire that's attached to a suction cup.
When stuck to (something?) the door is supposed to strike the bell/character and ring it. However, suction cups don't stick to wood, nor ordinary plaster/wallpaper walls...so how do these really work? Suction cups like this generally only work well on glass, tile or flat plastic...especially with movement & a suspended weight.
The Sonic one is different from the others because his bell is next to him, rather than at the feet. Did it break off? Tails is looking a little poorly with very tall eyes that are also
Door Bell Dangler Amy Figure
a little bit cross-eyed. Amy's paint isn't the best, but the did get all of her detail including the shoe laces. This funny mini style where they don't really have legs wasn't used at all in later items and isn't super common on vintage things like this. This is a cute selection of little bells. (But, was there an Eggman one?)
Sonic Sewing Kit Black Line Art Yet another Sonic Sewing Kit!
Is this the 4th one? Here's another black one, but this time it has a white line art arms-crossed Sonic for the graphic. It also has the 'don't waste precious time' quote & the "Segasonic" branding. The handle is white plastic, as is the hinge.
It's fairly plain, but the over-all effect is somewhat utility, which makes sense because this is a utility item for the home. It would have spaces for various thread colors, needles, buttons, spools, zippers & more to store inside.
The real question is why sewing kits were so numerous and popular that there would even be a variety of them with Sonic designs to choose from over the years. Who was sewing so much & so often? What did they sew?
Craft Kit String Bag Maker Sonic Sewing Now here's a really unique item!
But where does it belong? It's here on housewares because...it seemed the best fit? This is a Sonic craft kit. When you use the items included in the kit (white list to the side there) you can make the pictured 'string bag', with cinch-top. The fabric is a sort of lavendar color (odd for Sonic, he almost never appears with anything purple) and is lightly quilted in texture. It has various Sonic stock arts, including that odd one at the upper right...what's he doing there? There's also the JP version 'getting ready to run' , the seldom-seen 'looking up' & various finger-waving ones in different sizes.
The title, description & blurbs are all in JApanese so you can't read them. That pile of stuff next to it is likely the black strings/cinch-cord & the packet has the tools you'll need. It's a fun home project that lets you make a cool soft Sonic bag! This would be a great idea for a craft day for kids or a relaxing project. It also is likely to be rare since it's from the 1990s and nobody ever heard of it until now in 2019.
Sonic Mania Theme Blue Chopsticks
Sonic Mania chopsticks?
Why not! To celebrate the release of the first Mania game, they made some blue plastic chopsticks. The tops have a screen cap from the Green Hill looking area, and the logo on the end. The sticks themselves are a plain blue. Where were these sold? Were they a prize? Were there any other Mania table items? Chopsticks seem like a fun brand-able thing that could be used for lots of stuff but...
Eggman Piggybank PVC Vintage Here is a closer look at the Eggman coin bank.
(An Eggybank piggybank?) The series of character shaped coin banks came out back in the 90s, and had a group photo only on here. This one gives a better look at the Eggman one, helpfully labeled with his name on his pants. (One of the few things where the character has its name printed directly on it, isn't it?) This has the glasses depicted as black with blue lines (and definitely glasses), instead of the other way around. He's also 'cartoonized' proportions with the body being more oval/tall instead of a circle and the legs on the side so that the bank can be the shape they wanted/fit in the mold.
This is strange looking, and also uncommon.