Sonic The Hedegehog Electronics
If you have to plug it in, or it's battery operated, it's Sonic Electronics!

Gadgets and gizmos from old-skool technology as well as a few new things too, can all be found on this page. These are mostly toys, but be sure to see the music related items too.The making of most of these things was stopped in the 1990s, so you'll probably need to find used ones on ebay.
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Stereo cassette player with Sonic the hedgehog theme Stereo Walkman-type cassette player. More primary colors and vague Sonic theme. This isn't common to find still inside the packaging. It is unknown where it was avialable.
Sonic cassette tape music player headphones
Walkie Talkie Sonic Phone Box Walkie-Talkies that are shaped like ancient Cell Phones. "Flip Phone". What do all the buttons do? This is a rather neat pair of Walkie talkies with a Sonic theme. There is a differently shaped pair as well...
Walkie Talkie phones of Sonic
Walkie Talkie Flip Phones
The art on the box is somewhat mutant, and Sonic says "Way Cool Dude". They have '4 transistors' which may or may not be great. These seem to be made by DSI.
Primitive Karaoke Tape Microphone Machine Sonic Theme
This looks like a primitive karaoke device of some kind. More bright primaries like the Cassete Tape Player Portable before it. It has only a single raised-plastic head of Sonic and a name stamp to mark it as a 'Sonic goods'. It looks like you sang into it while it played tapes or something. Why? Also: It has a handle like it is trying to be portable or something despite the massive size.
Sonic pinball Detail Photo
Uncommon Big Sonic Plastic Home Pinball Machine The uncommon pinball machine! This is a plastic pinball game that's not so small. It was made by Tomy in 1992, likely right after the release of Sonic 2. (note Tails on the art) It used 6 of the big D batteries and made a real racket but did not light up. This thing was created before Sonic Spinball, but it looks like it's on a similar path.
This detail shows Shoe-styled flippers, a yellow plastic curve, and some pits or obstacles for the ball.
Pinball Deck Close Up Shot
Here's a close up of the deck, which says "Oil Slick" and "Emerald Hill Zone" around the coconuts monkey. Chopper (fish) is in the gutters.
If you see this, Buy It! They are pretty darn rare, likely due to the size filling up your house. Pinball deck photo (Right) discovered by Rae_Logan.
*There may be a Brittish one, or it could have been marketed there too.
Sonic Slot Cars Racing Set I'm sure THIS wasn't thrown together in a hurry. NOT. Sonic the Hedgehog Slot Car Racing set with track. They put some Stock art on the box, and then put stock art stickers on the cars. The track is the traditional figure-8. This thing is nearly suspicious in it's slapped-together simplicity. Who licensed or sponsored things like this? Still, it is rather large so it's not common to find one with all the pieces or the box still intact. Difficult to get ahold of, and not 100% positive if you wanted it if you do manage to get it. The box says "Race with Sonic & his buddy Tails"
Knuckles Mini Car Remote
A pair of curious devices. These are Sonic X racing...heads. Just the head and fists of the character serve as a type of mini car. The pen-like item steers them with the knob on top. Quite curious, actually. These are reportedly VERY expensive, on the order of $30.00 EACH (!)
Sonic Mini Car Remote
Sonic the Hedgehog R/C Race Car Box Sonic R/C Car Photos
R/C Race Car Box Back Nikko
This is an interesting find. This detailed R/C race car was made by Nikko America in the 1990s. It was likely found at Radio Shack and other stores that had remote cars. As you can see, it's covered in decals and details, such as shoe pictures on the tires, and Sonic from every angle. It uses 4 AA for the car and 1 9v for the remote.
The car is not that large, and the remote looks to be control-pad inspired. The fin says "Attitude", and that thing on/above the back is a weight which enables it to do tricks, but it falls off easily. Descript. Credit: Steven Matarazzo
Red Remote Classic Nikko Racer Sonic theme Race Car Turn Arounds
With these photos, you can see there was a red accented variation on this car/control set. *colors may indicate Mhz, this one at 27 Mhz. The car is a short/squished version of the Mitsubishi 3000GT, and it is at 1/26 scale. It's sort of odd how the different 'views' of Sonic all have him at different sizes. Look at the windshield, he's so huge there, while one 'side' has him far smaller than the other. It's a quality little car though, with headlights that really light. Photos & info provided by Brangeta
Sonic theme RC car Mitsubishi
Plug & Play Games Genisis Sonic 2 Controller System This is sort of electronics, sort of videogame at the same time. Due to advances in technology (and the ability to make things really tiny) this simple looking Genisis/Megadrive controller actually has all the 'stuff' inside to power the actual old console, as well as several games! The headline game on the machine is Sonic 2, but all the games aren't Sonic.
You plug it into your TV, and then have the ability to play any of the games listed on the box, as everything is just built in. This is "volume 2", so there must be another one out there like this...but did it have Sonic?
In 2007, you can find this at Target stores in the USA.
Leapster 2 Extended Play Sonic X
Leap Frong Leapster Sonic X Learning Game Leap Frog is a company that makes learning toys and 'video games' for little kids. The cartriges play in leapfrog systems (not super expensive) and contain puzzles that are supposed to help you learn. They come in many themes, and have apparently picked up a Sonic X theme here. This is for kindergarden/first grade, and should be available in Target stores in 2007.
The Leapster 2 meant better graphics, bigger games & other upgrades. It also meant a chance to buy the games again, which is what "Expanded play for Leapster 2" edition (at right) for the Sonic X game is about. Interestingly, reviews of this one say that it is both fun and educational. It could be found on Amazon.
Spinball Sonic Pinball Table Game Here's another at-home pinball machine game. This claims to be an 'arcade game', but it's really just another table-top plastic deal. This one is obviously modeled after the Sonic Spinball game for Genisis, as seen with the box art being used on the game. This one is a bit more high-tech with "Precision LCD" (presumably for the score) and still has a nice variety of flippers/bumpers. It has a list of features, but the photo won't let you read it.
Pinball Detail Flippers Photo
6 Genesis Games Controller Sonic 1 Here's another "plug and play" type device. It's pretty much the same thing as the red one above, but it has different games. As you can read, there are 6 games, but they've chosen Sonic to highlight the box.
This really shows the popularity of Sonic, as here is a company trying to sell a non-100% Sonic thing as a "Sonic Item" by plastering him all over it. You actually just get Sonic 1, but then also Altered Beast, Golden Axe, Kid Chameleon, Flicky and Mean Bean Machine. Flicky (difficult to get a hold of) and Mean Bean Machine are somewhat-Sonic themed, but not quite.

These things are an all-right way to try older Sonic games, if you didn't want to buy a compilation (Like Sonic Gems) or something. Photo by Risutaru-chan.

Play Pal Many Games Player Portable This interesting item is a "Play Pal". As you can see, they're trying to make a Game Gear like item. However, the difference is it is pre-loaded with 20 games, and does not use cartridges. (you get whatever is on it, that's it) It also can plug into your TV so you can play it there too. It is known to have on it Sonic 1, 2 and Sonic & Knuckles. Are there more Sonic features with it? In 2007 you can get this at Credit to [Darkmech] for finding out about this item.
Super Sonic Gold TV Game Controler Genesis Type
Yet another controller you can just plug into your TV. This one though, is billing itself as a "Super Sonic Gold" although it has nothing to do with actual Super Sonic. The controller now has a nice looking black and gold makeover with some purple buttons and a Sonic image/name in the center. Also note the large area on top, probably needed for storage space. It is confirmed to have on it Sonic the Hedgehog, Sonic the Hedgehog ll, Sonic Spinball, Dr. Robotnik's Mean Bean Machine. But that's only 4 games, and it says it has 5 on it. What's the 5th?

This is available at Target in the USA and also at if you order online in 2007. Credit to [Darkmech] for finding out about this item.

Strange PlayPal Sonic Head game device PlayPal, though seemingly new on the Sonic scene has turned out a second device. This oddity here is a TV game player. It has many games on it, listed at right. The most notable thing about it, is the odd shape. It's shaped like a somewhat abstract Sonic head, complete with odd little 'ears' and somewhat random white buttons. The most curious thing is it has a big white fist growing right out of where the eye should be! Is it a face? A fist? It's really...odd. This joystick type control must make the games somewhat strange to play.
Alex Kidd in High Tec World
Alex Kidd in Miracle World
Alex Kidd in Shinobi World
Alex Kidd in Lost Starts
Altered Beast
Astro Warrior
Dr Robotnik's Mean Bean Machine
Ecco II: Tides of Time
Fantasy Zone
Fantasy Zone 2
Golden Axe
Penguin Land
Super Columns
Tail's Adventure
Sonic Chaos
Sonic Blast
Sonic Triple Trouble
Sonic Labryrinth
Sonic Drift 2
This is available at Target in the USA at if you order online in 2007.
Credit to [Darkmech] for finding out about this item.

Games list & Target Link provided by: Pyrocat. If you want to buy this in 2008, you still can! Click this link to go to Play Pal Sonic and aquire it for about $20.00 (plus shipping)

Coleco Color Portable W/Genesis Games & Sonic This is an interesting mixture. A Coleco item with Sega stuff on it. It has 20 Sega Game Gear and Master System/Genesis titles. It is confirmed to have Sonic 1, Ecco the Dolphin, and Triple Trouble. Does it have more Sonic content? The mix of GG and console titles are interesting. This is another thing you can also plug into your TV--likely a help with the GameGear stuff.

It could be at Target stores in the USA in 2007, but apparently it didn't sell too well.
Credit to [Darkmech] for finding out about this item.

There were probably 2 of these released. Or a 2nd release that looked the same as this one. It was likely called the Coleco Sonic although it had mostly other games. It was out in winter 2006 as well. The other had a slightly different game selection. The 2nd edition game list is below. It did NOT have Sonic1 nor Ecco 1. The item also had a jack that allows it to be played on the television. Info & game list by: Segasonic3039
Alex Kidd in High-Tech World
Alex Kidd in Miracle World
Altered Beast
Assault City
Astro Warrior
Aztec Adventure
Bomber Raid
Columns (stated,not present on my version)
Ecco II: Tides of Time
Fantasy Zone
Fantasy Zone: The Maze
Global Defense
Kung Fu Kid
The NinjaPenguin
Snail Maze
Sonic Drift 2
Sonic:Triple Trouble
Super Columns
More battery-operated Sonic fun on Page 2 Electronics