The UK continues creating Sonic clothing, and a good place to get this stuff (If you live there or visit) is "GameStation" which apparently keeps a nice selection of shirts in sizes that might fit you. (not that tiny-tot USA stuff) It seems a "retro" trend is arriving on this page as well. Will it keep up? Stay tuned. | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
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All shirt photos from this group are provided thanks to Rhia in the UK! | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
This is another recent shirt, made to look classic. The design is slightly 'chipped' for a used or 'vintage' look. It has a well done classic stock art, with, the words "faster than" down the side. The red, white and blue make a nice contrast with this T shirt. | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
As you can see, these shirts are being released in oddly shaped plastic boxes. The box shows the design as a photo, and through a window. | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Here's a varient on the 'seal' shirt from the USA, this one done only in white, without the "Quickness" phrase around the edge. It has a sleeve logo, and a fake vintage 'worn' look to the paint. | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Another faux vintage shirt, broadcasting the year Sonic joined the video game scene, 1991. You can see the 'wear' area on his head, and the paint has crackling. | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Faux Classic must really be in. This one has a theme of stars possibly inspired from one of the images in the Japanese Sonic screensaver, although it is rare. | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
To celebrate Sonic's 15th Anniversary, they have released a set of badges. These are like 'buttons' or large, flat pins. It depends where they are from, what they are called--but they're all the same thing. Here, you can see them still on the back card. At the bottom it says "Coming Winter 2006 Sonic The Hedgehog (PS3 & Xbox360) Sonic Rivals(PSP)"
Photo courtesy of Rhia. |
Here are 3 new designs out of the UK. Notice the shaped Sonic tag on each one. Interestingly, there are 2 Amys, one pink, the other blue, with their own pattern of stripes. The Sonic is a normal X stock art, in an 'x' shaped background with an abstracted name on the edge, and logos on the sleeves. All the shirts are highly decorated and nice. But where are they available? Are there better photos? Photos used without permission they are small and marked. |
As shown here, they are fond of doing varients of the same design. As the colors of the sleeves and collar are changed, so are the washes on the portraits and logo. The style and format remain the same, with a plastic-decal type of leaping Sonic off to one side. Notice the official yellow tab tag on the side, and inside, as well as the paper tag. These are in fitting sizes (not just kiddie) | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Here's an interesting 'spin' from Sonic X! A shirt with the main theme of Chris. But is this a good thing? Collect and decide. Chris runs closest, and in the background is Sam Speed, Grandpa, and his teacher/government agent, as well as Sonic, and the airplane. It's quite odd that Grandpa would actually get featured on merchandise...but here you go. Abstract fades of the scene and logos decorate the sleeves. This one is made of lycra-type "bike shorts" material again. |
It's been a while since anyone heard from the 'yellow tag' releasers of Sonic shirts. This interesting one appeared around the fall of 2007. Whatever company makes these, finds creative ways to use the art. Here, you can see a sort of scrambled up blocks-puzzle type of design in the background. They cut up a running Sonic and mingled it with speed lines (in cubes) to form the background. The Sonic X logo is also upside-down and reflected in water-mark style, and then as a fade near the bottom. While somewhat busy, this is still a really unique looking shirt. |
This curious shirt was billed as a "Sonic Heroes Promo Item" The tag is quite obviously nothing to do with Sega (it's Fruit of the Loom) & the only "Heroes" type marking it has is the logo on both sleeves. The front & back of this shirt are conspicuously blank. You'd think they'd want something a bit more "Sonic-ish" if this were for real... And it is! Despite no "Sega" words anywhere on it, this was an official Heroes promo shirt given away by Gamestations OR GAME stores in the UK if you pre-ordered with them. No one knows why it's so plain, but at least it is no longer under suspicion. Added info by GenHedgehog |
Another interesting abstract offering from our lycra-obsessed mystery co. This time the theme seems to be Sonic vs. a giant robot of some sort that is mostly hidden behind the design. They've also added what looks like a peaceful scene of Chris, Amy and Tails watching the sea from a rock (?) which is somewhat out of place with all the action. Above, the giant heads of Knuckles and possibly a Shadow or two cause a rather glaring red 'sky'. With dual logos on the sleeves, and the giant mecha in the background, this shirt has everything going on at once! This shirt is so 'loud' where could you possibly wear it? |
Here's a nice new pattern from this quality mystery company! This time the theme is 'portrait or photo frames' with 3 feature frames (Shadow Eggman Knuckles) each labeled with the character's name, and a scattering of fun colored frames for the background. If you look closely you'll see that the leaping Sonic is another of their thick and curious plastic appliques. The back of the shirt has the same 3 frames again, but in red/white tone or blue/white tone only. It is so good to see that they bother decorating the backs of shirts too, it makes for quite a high quality look. |
Here's an interesting design that uses the "Sonic X" title and also the actual copyright information (!) as a design feature! Repated over and over again in the logo sihlouette face, the words form the pattern. | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
What does the info say? "Produced by Hi Kids Published by Rose Video" Again here, they've added the logo to the back of the shirt for a touch of class. | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
As is common for whatever comapny is doing these, here's a varient color, this time with red. The logo on the back of this one is the same. Interestingly, on this one the "Sonic X" word fades from whitish to yellowish. | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
See More Modern Sonic Clothes on Page 3 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||