Display Figures Title Card
If tt's not an action figure. It's not a statue...it's a Display Figure! These non-actioning figures are like little statues you can collect. Not particularly 'toys' they can be made of resin, PVC, hard plastic or other materials that hold detail well. Usually they're in cases or on bases, all the better for displaying.
This is an international page. The figures here can be from any country, and it will be noted near each one where it's from. Especially with more modern figures (Like First4Figures) the item may be produced in a certain country and mostly advertised there (ex. the USA) however since they're sold over the web, they ship anywhere in the world, making the items available to all.
The "International" approach to Sonic items is really the best one, because Sonic fans live everywhere on Earth and everyone wants an opportunity to collect.
Sonic Display Figures 1 * Display Figures 2 * Display Figures 3 * Display Figures 4Display Figures 5 * Display Figures 6
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Jada Toys Metal 4 cm figures Jada Toys returns with figures made of metal. These are their "4 cm Die Cast" line. However, their photo here seems just about as small as their figures so it's hard to tell what's going on with them. Are they flat like pins? 3D? The packaging up there is clearly a mockup/it's not real, but the figures (if pins) could be. What's great to see is the range of characters, but what's not great is the
stupid blind-bag gimmick that scalpers love and collecotrs hate. Depending on how much these cost, fans could be looking at spending more than anyone wants to get a favorite character. This first wave will have Rouge, Sonic, Knuckles, Tails, Amy, Vector, Espio, Cream, Silver, Metal Sonic, Super Shadow, Super Sonic & Eggman. (Interesting who's missing too: Regular Shadow and also Blaze) The SA1 odd circle-Sonic is also an unusual choice when everyone else is non-SA style and much more natural looking/cool poses. Pricing will appear when these do.
Metalfigs 6 cm Boxed Characters Jada 4 cm too small? Try 6 cm! Jada Toys will (I guess) simultaneously release regular boxed figures with their Sonic license on their MetalFigs line. They are indeed diecast, and fairly heavy. Jada has many licenses (So, stuff like Transformers, Turtles, etc) and has been repeatedly seen in 5 Below stores.
They'll likely be for sale elsewhere, but 5Below is a good bet to start with. (And it has a website if there isn't a store near you) Likely, they'll be 5 dollars each BUT: at least you can choose how you get, there's no blind-boxing here. They look a little bit of 'little big heads' style, which is slightly disapointing in the bigger size. Accurate figures in metal would be cooler because it's never been done.
Flying Tails Funko Flock Figure Flying Tails the Flocked Funko Figure is here...
Whether you like it or not, another beady-eyed gremlin version of a character gets a new pose, and a flocked variation. This shows him flying, which uses a disk with several tails on it to illustrate 'spinning action' without turning. He also comes on a little white stand so he's up off the ground and easy to display. Both versions recieve the Funko number of 978. (That pink dot there says "Flocked!"
Jada Nano Metalfigs Die Cast Box Set Now here's the way to do it!
Show 'em the figures! No blindbox nonsense here, Jada "nano metalfigs" are die cast metal (glazed with metallic metal-compatible paint) solid display figures fused to built-in bases. Jada Toys makes a smart move by putting ALL of their line 1 'nano metalfigs' (their smallest size they offer) into a single reasonably priced box set where you can easily see every single figure and it is perfect for display. Of course fans would want all of the characters as real metal figures so it makes sense to just let people buy what they want. The set is about 19.99 in Target which is very reasonable for this many detailed figures
and it's quite heavy too! It weighs 1 pound and 7 ounces. The figures are about 1.75 or so (they vary of course) inch tall each. You get Knuckles, Super Sonic, Neutral Chao, Sonic, Tails, Big the cat, Shadow, Rouge, Amy, Espio, Charmy, Blaze the cat, Eggman, Silver, Sage, Cream, Metal Sonic & Vector. It's a perfect variety for something like this, (though Omega isn't on it to complete Team Dark) and there's always more opportunity to do another set with more later if this one does well.
Is it perfect?
It isn't...but it's still really good and a 100% should-buy. The characters who have yellow eyes appear to not have eyes from much of a distance because the yellow paint they used is too pale and blends with the eye white. The other issue is that the color of the base is the main color of the characters' shoe, which means that they blend together and it kind of muddies the waters on the design--however this IS likely to be a constraint of the media (metal & glaze) which really does limit paint applications on tiny things like this because glazing metal isn't like spraying or brushing paint onto an action figure or something like that.
Do get this though: tons of characters, displays well, very reasonably priced, REAL metal that never goes bad...it's a winner!
This is in the SonicGear collection.
Pop Metal Knuckles NY Toy Show Here's an odd one, and I don't mean the 'pop look'.
It's Metal Knuckles from the original Sonic racing, finally as a figure...but how did pop of all things get him first? Fans have been begging for a figure of this guy for years yet nothing ever happened. (There may have been some copyright tangle or something going on in there preventing it/I don't know the deal)
The figure itself looks good because Funko does pay real attention to detail so you have the blades fists, open ended spikes (that propell the robot), the unique look of the shoes, face bolts, and sort of inverted chest stripe all like the games. This doesn't actually look as bad as other pops because the robots are supposed to be dead-eyed/staring blank things and of course that's perfect for a pop.
Sadly though, this is for the NY Toy Show 2024, which means 'scalpers delight' because it's only at their Funko Airways (promoting toys around the world Tokyo here) booth and is thus limited edition as well.
Paint Pallet Shadow Figure Palverse Pale (A company that makes display figure characters but the character is always on a pallet with paint) clearly succeeded with their Sonic figure (seen in the background here, and also on Disp Fig 13 at Gear) so they've gone on to add a Shadow figure too.
And, it's a good idea, because he looks cool here with a splash of his colors (including gold) paint near a foot, and holding the green emerald. Notice that the Emerald is actual transparent plastic too which is a good
quality touch. He's stepping forward, but looking back, which is an important characterization for the figure to have. (The company noted this) Another good one, but a Japan only release.
Shadow Evolved F4F Large First 4 Figures outdoes themselves again, this time with a really really big Shadow Evolved figure!
Naturally, the first name in large and super quality display figures gets involved with the release of Sonic Shadow Generations. They take the opportunity to sculpt the very detailed Dark Wings power up onto an action pose for Shadow to create this great (and large) display figure. The wings are quite textured, and look just like the game. The base shows a defeated enemy, and there's even a hidden element to find as well. (So, encourages setting this on a glass display case type shelf so you can see under it)
There's the red Shadow symbol underneath the base as well. This is the debut/announcement photo of it, so more detailed turn arounds/etc will be on the way. This announces the look, the secret and the size, via the guy holding a tape measure back there. Be sure you've got the space (and the dollars) for this one, because it is quite dramatic and cool.
World's Smallest Blindbox Figures
World's Smallest returns with...
Unfortunately some blind boxed stuff. Their gimmick is making very tiny things of popular brands. (Ex. mini Rubiks Cube, etc) In this case, it's 1.25 inch modern Sonic display figures*. There are 8 to collect, and they're about 6 dollars each, and they do come with a clear display case thing to snap them into, so you don't lose them. The case does add value (and makes sense), however the blind boxing is annoying especially considering the minimum to pay for the whole set is going to be over 50 dollars for a bunch of tiny plastic figures. And that's IF you never get a duplicate* to have to get rid of.
The characters you can get are Sonic, Tails, Knuckles, Amy, Silver, Metal Sonic, Shadow, and .
*ARE these the smallest Sonic figures? Probably not. Jazwares did mini fuzzy figures that are likely smaller. That 'worlds' smallest' is just a gimmicky title. They don't actually pay attention to other brands and try to out-small them.
*Worlds Smallest IS known for re-releasing AND re-packaging product lines. These MAY show up non-blind-boxed in the future of late 2024, so if you hold out on getting it, it may be ok to do.
Worlds Smallest Sonic Carded Figure
Now here's the way to do it!
World's Smallest comes through for actual collectors and figures out to card their figures so people can actually buy what they want and scalpers can just go home. So, anyone who waited for 2025 on these, good job because now you can get the figures normally. Hopefully ever character they had as a Micro Figure with Collector Case is carded like this.
The bubble card looks nice here, it shows off that you get the plastic case for the figure, and how it fits inside on the base so it's not always tipping over. The figure looks ok, especially for something of that size. (Sonic may not have pupils?) This is the same size/price as the above blindboxed item.
Funko Pixel Sonic Tails Knuckles Here we go again.
If Funko pops needed to get any wierder looking, they've now added their 'pixel gimmick' to Sonic character pops with Sonic, Tails & Knuckles. They call this "The 8 Bit Style"...which...Sonic started in 16 bit and was never this pixelated like the 8 bit characters of the 80s. The "+" shaped eyes...don't seem to do much of a favor here either. It's certainly...something for late 2024.
Soft B 30 CM Sonic Big Figure The Japanese figure company "Soft B" has made another Sonic figure, but this one is different because it is really big (for them) at 30 cm. (So a bit over a foot high) It is made of their usual quite-quality vinyl, and is nicely colored/painted. It has 1 finger pointing up/modern Sonic as the pose.
The proportions are...
Sort of interesting? He comes across as slightly 'chibi' but kind of not, and then look how thick the legs are? The super thick legs somehow also don't look bad or anything, which is also unusual because nothing else really has that as a style and you'd think it would look more jarring but it doesn't.
This is a winter 2024 item, and it can be imported through various Japan hobby websites to the USA and Europe but it's going to be at least 50 dollars because it is big.
Jada Metalfigs 3 Pack Target Exclusive
Jada Toys Metalfigs with Sonic begin to appear in winter season 2024.
This 3 pack though, is a Target stores exclusive.
So...it's looking like that's the only way to get Super Sonic as a metalfig (not to be confused with mini metalfig) is to buy this 3 pack for about 12 dollars. Which is fine enough, because then just don't buy the individual ones for Tails or Knuckles.
The figures are nicely secure in the package which has a 3 sided window. It'll display well and you know exactly what you're getting. But what about the sculpts...?
The figure sculpts on these are somewhere between classic characters and almost a 'chibi' (little big heads) style? With their modern paint jobs, it doesn't look quite right. It's because the style isn't committed to being 1 thing or another. Are they classic? Make them classic. Are they chibi? Commit to chibi and have it as the style.
Opinion zone:
Why are they sculpted this way! The gimmic IS METAL! Use the game sprites to make accurate figures out of metal, not some wierd half stylized thing/you don't have to "make it different" when your whole gimmick reason of desire is that you have the ability to make them out of something that will never go bad. ARGH.
Sonic Adventure 1 Pose Light F4F Figure Is this a display figure or a lamp?
Well, First 4 Figures makes it be sort of both at once. Through a feat of sculpting, they turned that oddly posed walking/ gesturing SA1 Sonic art into an actual 3D item that looks pretty much exactly like it. As it was usually shown in a ring/swirl and with the cloudy sky logo below, that's included here too. The base lights up, as does the ring. Because it is LED powered, the base takes batteries, but it can also be set to 'swirl' the lights around the ring for a cool effect.
Backward Figures Kid Robot Metal Sonic Eggman
Kid Robot makes an error with these figures. This is the Metal Sonic & Eggman somewhat-stylized display figures they released around 2023 or so, but apparently quite a few of them got out of the factory packaged backward like this. They're both faced away from the window in the box, and you can't fix it unless you open it. The figures themselves are otherwise fine, but this shows that things aren't always perfect. Not so great for MIB collectors, but...
The back of the box is quite simple, with some GHZ palm trees and rings, and no words or descriptions. (However, for how expensive these are for the size, you'd really have to expect them to get everything right about these) These were available in Target stores.